Amy Lohr, Coach, Healer, Receptionist (she/her)
Amy’s diverse background as a therapist, coach, and healer led her to develop an interest in power dynamics, both in between humans and between humans and other parts of nature. After trying different kinds of healing relationships in different fields, Amy found she needed a location to house her healing work that was done outside of the field of psychotherapy. Embody Healing, LLC exclusively carries her work with other modalities. Amy does energy work, uses essential oils and mindfulness-based practices in her coaching work to help clients meet specific goals, and has such a knack for ancestral work that we decided to make it a stand-alone service. If you need someone comfortable with trauma and weird, Amy’s a great person to go to. Amy’s services are available online, at our location in Squirrel Hill, and “meeting you where you are” at Frick Park, her local cemetery, or Dobra Tea House (also in Squirrel Hill).
David has been practicing in some form since they were ordained in 1995 and has certifications and degrees in holistic, complementary, and alternative health care, herbalism, pastoral/spiritual care, metaphysical sciences and spiritual healing, and religion. David also has experience beyond what leads to paperwork, including apprenticeships in herbalism, volunteer work with elder care and special populations, and ethnomedical experience/field work with indigenous and folk practitioners in Britain, Ireland, Bolivia, Mongolia, and Peru. Prior to committing to holism, David worked for the state doing direct medical care and still holds specialist certificates in autism, seizure disorders, and intellectual disability. David is the developer of the Honoring Touch™ Technique, which was created by combining folk medicine they inherited from their Irish, British, and Polish Gypsy grandparents with known science and adapting that combination to the needs of the American public. Besides taking clients and teaching here at Embody Healing, LLC, David is also recognized for their publications, retreat facilitation, advocacy (environmental, anti-human trafficking, religious freedom, and intersex/trans care), and traveling to speak at conferences and international diplomatic events. You may also see David acting as a receptionist and we can’t really stop them when they decide to do that.
Rev. David Gamble-Moore, M. Div., Holistic Practitioner, Herbalist, EFT Practitioner, C.E.O. (they/them for the public or he/him in close relationships)
Jasmine Mangual (she/her)
Jasmine is our go-to design genius, we mean, “graphic designer.” Anything visual Jasmine has had a hand in, whether that’s the website, logo, branding, or signage. You will sometimes see her at events making sure the presentation of things is stunning. At our expos, you may also see her showing people how to make things. Jasmine was formally trained as an animation and media arts professional at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. After graduation, she found a calling in production design for educational children’s toys and graphic design via personal and product branding, photography and video media. She taps into the unique energy of her clients in order to enable projects to take on deeper meaning beyond their surface presentation. Jasmine’s talents shine most when she’s weaving the elements of an idea together to create a cohesive piece, whether that’s personal branding or product development.
Liz has joined us specifically to support our Honoring Touch™ Retreat program. She is a massage therapist and yoga instructor who supports transformation through dreamwork and reiki. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology/Health and Biology. Liz has a deep passion for the natural world as well as for supporting clients in an ongoing, unfolding lifestyle of self-discovery, healing, and development.
Liz Haunstein (she/her)
Norman Papernick (he/him)
Norm is our tech and security guy. He’s basically an office squirrel with electronics, darting about, fixing things and chattering to himself. He has custom designed most of our solar power, air quality, and security technology to ensure a safe and ecologically resilient location. You may see him working on a project with David, especially if we’re expanding or improving our composting or ecological toilet facilities (a current project), and they’re combining their respective technology skills. More than likely they won’t know you’re there so don’t take it personally if no one waves. When we’re overly busy, Norm also helps with office needs. You’ll recognize him because he looks like a mad scientist. We swear he’s friendly.